The business always endeavours to provide the best service for every customer. However, on rare occasions, there may be times where a customer may not be completely satisfied. To ensure the business is able to put things right as soon as possible, please read our complaints procedure below. The business will then be able to respond promptly to ensure complete satisfaction.
As soon as possible after the completion of the works, please inspect the work to ensure everything has been carried out based on the contract terms and the high standards the business aims to achieve.
In the unlikely event there is anything you are not completely satisfied with, please contact the business as soon so the problems can be rectified as soon as possible.
Our Procedure
The procedure is to be followed in the event of a comment or complaint against Breeze Hot & cold installations Ltd or a member of Breeze Hot & cold installations Ltd staff or anyone representing Breeze Hot & cold installations Ltd i.e. freelance service providers. Complaints will be handled in a professional and non-confrontational manner.
First stage: Informal complaint or comment
In the first instance, comments or complaints can be raised informally with the person who dealt with the matter. It is our experience that most issues can be quickly and amicably resolved by instigating dialogue at the earliest opportunity.
If such dialogue fails to resolve the issue, proceed to second stage.
Second Stage: Formal complaint
Where the complainant wishes to make a formal complaint, i.e. anything other than a comment, thefollowing disputes procedure must be followed:
Dispute resolution process
- the Consumer must inform Breeze Hot & Cold Installations Ltd he or she agreed the Contract in writing that any dispute they have as soon as possible after they have first noticed the problem.
- Breeze Hot & Cold Installations Ltd will consider the details of the dispute and report the findings clearly to the Consumer within ten working days of being notified about the dispute;
- if appropriate, the Breeze Hot & Cold Installations Ltd will arrange to inspect the Consumer’s system, within seven days of being notified about the dispute, and within 24 hours of being notified about the dispute where a
Consumer is without heating or hot water as a result of the situation that has led to the dispute;
- Breeze Hot & Cold Installations Ltd will try to find an agreed course of action to resolve the dispute speedily and
effectively to the Consumer’s satisfaction;
- if the Consumer is not satisfied with the remedy offered by Breeze Hot & Cold Installations Ltd, and if the dispute is (partly or wholly) about technical aspects of the installation of an Energy Generator covered by the MCS Installer standards, they should direct it to the MCS Administrator and the relevant MCS Installer certification body
The Code Administrator
Renewable Energy Assurance Limited
Brettenham House, 2-19 Lancaster Place, London WC2E 7EN
Tel: 020 7925 3570
Fax: 020 7925 2715
E-mail: info@recc.org.uk
Website: www.recc.org.uk
- if the Code Administrator is notified by a Consumer about a dispute that is about technical aspects of the installation of an Energy Generator covered by the MCS Installer standards, the Code Administrator will forward it to the relevant MCS Installer certification body, having first obtained the Consumer’s permission to do so;
- if the Consumer is not satisfied with the remedy offered by Breeze Hot & Cold Installations Ltd, and the dispute is about any other issues linked to the Code, they should direct it to the Code Administrator by completing the online dispute registration form https://www.recc.org.uk/complaint-form or by requesting a hard copy of the form from the Code Administrator;
- the Code Administrator will check that the Consumer has already given Breeze Hot & Cold Installations Ltd, at least 10 days to resolve the dispute;
- if satisfied the Code Administrator will register and acknowledge the dispute within three working days of receiving it, and will also notify Breeze Hot & Cold Installations Ltd, of the dispute;
- Breeze Hot & Cold Installations Ltd, will not take action through the courts against Consumers without first trying to solve the dispute in line with the process set out in this section;
- if the dispute has not been resolved using the process set out above the Code Administrator will assign the dispute to one of its case workers who will mediate between the Consumer and Breeze Hot & Cold Installations Ltd, taking the facts of the matter into account and using their best endeavours to achieve a resolution that is fair and acceptable to both parties;
- in the event that the dispute cannot be resolved with the assistance of the Code Administrator’s case worker, the Consumer may request to use the independent Arbitration service set out below.
Consumers may give their permission for friend or relative to help deal with a dispute. In this case, Code Members must co-operate fully with this person. The dispute resolution process is intended to be accessible and low cost, and should not require either party to rely on legal representation. The Code Administrator will not communicate directly with either party’s legal representative.
The Code Administrator will seek the Consumer’s consent for their details to be shared with the relevant MCS certification body, the relevant trading standards department or another specified body if appropriate.
Independent Arbitration Service
The Code offers an independent Arbitration service that can be used in the unlikely event of a dispute not being resolved amicably between a Consumer and Breeze Hot & Cold Installations Ltd using the process set out above. In line with the Bye-Laws a Consumer has the right to ask for the dispute to be referred to the independent Arbitration service if the dispute has not been resolved within 56 days of the Consumer first having registered it with the Code Member or, alternatively, once the Code Administrator’s case worker has completed the mediation process without resolving the dispute.
A Consumer is not required to refer a dispute to the independent Arbitration service, and may choose to deal with the matter in other ways, including by taking legal action. However, if a Consumer does refer a the dispute to the independent Arbitration service, Breeze Hot & Cold Installations Lt must co-operate with the process.
The Code Administrator has appointed IDRS Ltd (IDRS) to run the independent Arbitration service on its behalf. Once a Consumer refers a dispute to the independent Arbitration service, IDRS will handle the application in line with the rules and appoint an independent arbitrator from the panel it maintains for this purpose. The Arbitration process will be conducted under the Arbitration Act 1996 and will work as follows:
- before referring a dispute to the independent Arbitration service a Consumer must have attempted to resolve the dispute, following the dispute resolution process as described above;
- the Code Administrator must inform the Consumer of any time limits that may affect their ability to apply for independent Arbitration;
- the Consumer must complete the application form available from the Code Administrator and return it to IDRS with a fee of £100 + VAT; (this fee may be refunded to the Consumer by Breeze Hot & Cold Installations Ltd if the independent arbitrator finds in his or her favour, and recommends it to be refunded);
- Breeze Hot & Cold Installations Lt must accede to a Consumer’s request for Arbitration, provided that the parties have been unable to resolve the dispute using the dispute resolution process as described in this Code. The Code Member will also be required to pay a fee of £100 + VAT to IDRS.
An award made under the independent Arbitration service shall be final and binding on both the Consumer and the Code Member, and enforceable. The Consumer or Breeze Hot & Cold Installations Ltd may only challenge it on certain limited grounds under the Arbitration Act 1996. The Consumer or Breeze Hot & Cold Installations Lt would not normally be able to pursue the same dispute later through the courts.
Where the complaint concerns a member of staff, not regulated by an external professional body, and/or unless there is recourse to the complainant under English Law, the Company Director/Managing Directorshall have the final decision on any punitive measures enforced as an outcome of the complaint.
The above disputes resolution will apply if the Consumer is not satisfied with the remedy offered by Breeze Hot & Cold Installations Ltd, and if the dispute is (partly or wholly) about technical aspects of the installation of an Energy Generator covered by the MCS Installer standards, they should direct it to the MCS Administrator and the relevant MCS Installer certification body
Breeze Hot & cold installations Ltd only use experienced engineers. Where the complaint concerns an Engineer not regulated by an external professional body, and/or unless there is recourse to the complainantunder English Law, the Company Director/Managing Director shall have the final decision on any punitive measures enforced as an outcome of the complaint.
The above disputes resolution will apply if the Consumer is not satisfied with the remedy offered by Breeze Hot & Cold Installations Ltd, and if the dispute is (partly or wholly) about technical aspects of the installation of an Energy Generator covered by the MCS Installer standards, they should direct it to the MCS Administrator and the relevant MCS Installer certification body
If the complaint is not relating to Renewables, escalations should be made to the appropriate governing body. Contact details of these can be obtained from Breeze Hot & cold installations Ltd or by contacting:
- Part L Energy Efficiency
- Gas Safe
Breeze Hot & cold installations Ltd will abide by the decision of the appropriate panel, subject to any necessary appeals procedures.
Formal complaints should be addressed in writing or by video letter to the appropriate departmental Head/Manager:
Jessica Breeze Office manager
Simon Breeze Managing Director
Which Trusted Trader
The business has access to an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) service for our domestic installation, service, repair and maintenance contracts as part of the Which? Trusted Traders Endorsement.
If you choose to, you can refer your complaint to Which? Trusted Traders’ Alternative Dispute Resolution. You will need to contact Which? Trusted Traders on 02922 670 040 who can explain if you are eligible to use their Alternative Dispute Resolution.
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